Lollishops and the Cottage Style Street Team on Board for 2009 Cottage Charm Giveaway!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've received word from Andrea of the Cottage Style Street Team at Etsy and Sadie Lou of Lollishops and they are both definitely "in" as far as getting the word out to their shop owners about the 2009 Cottage Charm Giveaway event. If you haven't already, take a few moments to peruse the sweet shops at Lollishops and Etsy to see what kind talent and beautiful items these vendors have. Who knows what they may offer in their giveaways?!
"Our group is for artists/sellers at Etsy that specialize in Glitter, Ephemera, Old Photographs, Collage, Mixed Media, Roses,
Polka Dots, Tea Stained, Ball Fringe and all around beautifying the world with our Romantic, Shabby, Cottage Style!" Visit CSST profile page or blog or Flickr pool."Lollishops - The Frou Frou Friendly Marketplace" Visit Lollishops marketplace or blog or Flickr pool.
Now I'm off to work on my giveaway items!
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