My Blog Has Moved! + Make Your Monday Project
{Note: This is my last blog entry at this location. I have a new blog address! The new blog looks and feels just this blog, but my blog name has been changed to Twice Remembered and a few quirks have been worked out that I wasn't able to get rid of at this current location. There will be no more posts to this blog but my old posts have already been transferred and future posts will be made to my new blog location, Twice Remembered. I invite you to follow me there and to update your subscriptions - thank you! I will be hosting a giveaway soon for those that follow my new blog as a special thank you for taking the time to make the switch! Also, I'm working on updating my blog roll over there - I have a lot to add and it's taking a little while!}
Now, moving on!
Make Your Monday: From Gaudy Art to Fabulous Chalk Board
Folks, if you haven't done so already, you must go to your nearest thrift store and purchase the biggest, gaudiest, most unattractive piece of framed art you can get your hands on. Watch out for other shoppers who are there for the same reason as they may try to run you over to claim the last one. {Well, more than likely, most other shoppers will wonder why you would pay good money for such atrocious art and they will feel pity for you due to what they perceive as a total lack of taste and class on your part. But nevermind those shoppers.}...Continue reading and viewing photos on this Make Your Monday project at my new blog!
I'll see you there, and don't forget to update your blogrolls and subscriptions!