And so it has been a month of Sundays since my last entry. Has the idea of a lazy summer, complete with swimming hole swimming, porch swing swinging, ice tea sipping, and of course, recreational blogging, become a thing of the past? No, surely not - but sometimes such simple pleasures have to take a backseat for a while so that life can take the wheel and get to where it needs to go.
Ours has been an unusually busy summer so far. As I've mentioned before, our place of worship was just remodeled and all the work was volunteer - so we helped with that along with our regular weekly volunteer work. During this time, we also had a two day Bible education program that we attended the first week of June, then a special visit from a traveling minister and his wife for a week. Tomorrow, we are leaving for another (3 day) Bible education program, which is out of state. I've been packing and cleaning and planning for our trip for a week now, along with spending some time with a dear friend that's visiting this week from Pennsylvania. So all of this has happened within the last four weeks and as you can imagine, I haven't had a moment to focus on much of anything else.
There is a time and a place for everything, though, and after this trip I want to share with you a few decorative changes that I've made to Twice Remembered recently. Like most of you, when I have guests over, I'm motivated to "fluff the nest" and spruce things up a bit. And I've still been making my weekly trips to Goodwill and always find a little something special to bring home. More and more, our home is looking like a little old French style country cottage. I often think about how years ago, more than anything, I wanted to buy a hundred year old, dilapidated house (with lots of character!) to slowly fix up over the years. That didn't happen. Instead we bought a nondescript 30 year old house to work on...for years. But it is interesting to slowly see the backwards progression of our home. It really is starting to feel like that 100 year old cozy farmhouse I envisioned for so long.
I hope all of you are having a delightful summer and I look forward to being back on my regularly scheduled program after this trip! Take care and we'll "see you" soon!